India has scored considerably low in the International Academic Freedom Index (AFI) with a score of 0.352. Academic freedom, in general, refers to a scholar's freedom to express ideas without risk of official interference or professional disadvantage. It has been published by Global Public Policy Institute as a part of a global time-series dataset (1900-2019) in close cooperation with Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Scholars at Risk and the V‑Dem Institute. It compares levels of academic freedom worldwide and enhances the understanding of its curtailments. The AFI used eight components to evaluate the scores: freedom to research and teach, freedom of academic exchange and dissemination, institutional autonomy, campus integrity, freedom of academic and cultural expression, constitutional protection of academic freedom, international legal commitment to academic freedom under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and existence of universities. The scores are scaled 0-1. The index did not report data for 35 countries - including the United States and Australia.
Top Performers: Uruguay and Portugal top the AFI, with scores of 0.971 each, followed closely by Latvia (0.964) and Germany (0.960). India with a score of 0.352 is closely followed by Saudi Arabia (0.278) and Libya (0.238). In the last five years, the AFI of India has dipped by 0.1 points. Countries like Malaysia (0.582), Pakistan (0.554), Brazil (0.466), Somalia (0.436) and Ukraine (0.422) have scored better than India. India has not fared well in components like institutional autonomy, campus integrity, freedom of academic and cultural expression and constitutional protection of academic freedom.
The AFI has cited the ‘Free to Think: Report of the Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Monitoring Project’, to suggest that the political tensions in India may have something to do with declining ‘academic freedom’. According to the Report, political tensions in India have led to violent altercations between students, security forces, and off-campus groups, and have driven legal actions and disciplinary measures against scholars critical of those in power.
India fails to provide desired freedom to scholars to discuss politically and culturally controversial topics, without fearing for their life, studies or profession. Most universities in the country are subjected to unsolicited interference from governments in both academic and non-academic issues. It is common knowledge by now that a majority of appointments, especially to top-ranking posts like that of vice-chancellors, pro vice-chancellors and registrars, have been highly politicized. Political appointments not only choke academic and creative freedom, but also lead to corrupt practices, including those in licensing and accreditation.
At present, many educational institutions and regulatory bodies, both at the Central and State levels, are headed by bureaucrats. Favoritism and nepotism in staff appointments and student admissions. This reflects a ‘rent-seeking culture’ within the academic community. Rent-seeking is an economic concept that occurs when an entity seeks to gain added wealth without any reciprocal contribution of productivity. Typically, it revolves around government-funded social services and social service programs.
Regulatory and Governance Reforms: Restructure or merge different higher education regulators (UGC, AICTE, NCTE etc.) to ensure effective coordination. Amend UGC Act, 1956 to give legislative backing to regulatory structure. Select Vice-Chancellors of universities through a transparent & objective process. Link University grants to performance.
Implementation of the claims made by NEP: The NEP 2020 claims that it is based on principles of creativity and critical thinking and envisions an education system that is free from political or external interference. The aim of the new policy is the universalization of education from pre-school to secondary level with 100% Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in school education by 2030. For instance, the policy states that faculty will be given the “freedom to design their own curricular and pedagogical approaches within the approved framework, including textbook and reading material selections, assignments and assessments”. NEP 2020 will also emphasize in setting up of the Gender Inclusion Fund, Special Education Zones for disadvantaged regions, and groups. It suggests creating a National Research Foundation (NRF), a merit-based and peer-reviewed research funding, which will be governed, independently of the government, by a rotating Board of Governors consisting of the very best researchers and innovators across fields. The new education policy aims at repairing the educational system in the country and making “India a global knowledge superpower”, with a new system that is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal-4 (SDG 4). It also emphasises universal access to schools for all children, raising the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER), and ending the rise of dropout rate in India.
Every government laments the absence of world-class universities, without realizing that it is attributable in part to their interventions and the growing intrusion of political processes. Where politics is largely kept out—as in IIT, IIM or the IISc—institutions thrive. Higher education policy-makers must respond to declining AFi scores. This will also help in making “India a global knowledge superpower”, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal-4 (SDG 4 -Quality Education). Academic freedom is primary because universities are places for raising doubts and asking questions about everything. Exploring ideas, debating issues and thinking independently are essential in the quest for excellence.
Q.1 What is the maximum value of the Academics Freedom index in which India has scored considerably low with a score of 0.352?
A. 0.5
B. 0.8
C. 1.0: ANSWER
D. 2.0
Q.2 Which of the following institutes have globally published the Academics Freedom Index (AFI) 2020?
A. Global Public Policy Institute
B. Friedrich-Alexander University
C. V‑Dem Institute
D. All of the above: ANSWER
Q.3 Which of the following countries have topped the Academics Freedom Index (AFI) 2020?
A. Uruguay
B. Portugal
C. Latvia
D. Both A & B: ANSWER
Q.4 The UGC India is a statutory body set up by the Government of India in accordance to which of the following acts under the Ministry of Education?
A. UGC Act, 1956: ANSWER
B. UGC Act, 1957
C. UGC Act, 1960
D. UGC Act, 1962
Q.5 NEP 2020 is approved by the cabinet and presented by which of the following Union Ministers?
A. Kiren Rijiju
B. Prakash Javadekar: ANSWER
C. Nirmala Sitharaman
D. None of the above
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