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CLAT 2019 Admit Card and Hall Ticket has been released-Download it Here at Success Mantra by clicking the Link

CLAT 2019 Admit Card and Hall Ticket has been released-Download it Here at Success Mantra by clicking the Link

Rashmi Arora 5 Minutes

The Consortium of National Law Universities, Bengaluru has released the ADMIT CARD for CLAT - 2019.

The CLAT Admit Card is the Entry Hall Ticket to write the Common Law Admission Test 2019. The law aspirants need to download the admit card of CLAT 2019. Candidates must note that the CLAT admit card can be downloaded through the official link given in your login. Candidates will need to provide their credentials including Email id and Mobile number to download the CLAT Hall Ticket. Candidates are also advised to go through the instructions given below for downloading CLAT 2019 admit card. The CLAT Admit Card needs to be kept safe until the admission procedure of NLUs is over for this year.

CLAT admit card 2019: How to download

Step 1: Visit the official website, Download CLAT 2019 Admit Card | Hall Ticket

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link ‘CLAT 2019 admit card’
Step 3: You will be redirected to a new page
Step 4: Log-in using the registration number
Step 5: Admit card will appear

You need to take a colour Print out of this ADMIT CARD.


CLAT 2019: Exam pattern

UG Programme: The 200 marks exam will be two-hour long where Multiple-Choice Questions will be asked. There will be 200 questions of one mark each and there is negative marking of 0.25 mark for each wrong answer.

Subject areas: English including comprehension, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability), Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning.