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New pattern of CLAT 2020 Success Mantra Coaching in Delhi

New pattern of CLAT 2020 Success Mantra Coaching in Delhi

Diksha Sharma 10 Minutes

SUCCESS MANTRA, India’s leading Institute for CLAT | AILET Preparation

CLAT 2024 is changing, So are we.

Charles Darwin famously said, “Not the strongest, nor the most intelligent, but one who adapts to change will survive.” With the changing pattern of questions asked in CLAT, merely reading basic book, solving papers at home may not suffice.

At least not for those for whom CLAT is new or for those who have been unable to crack it.



The CLAT – 2024 will also have a change in the pattern of the questions for the UG.

Comprehension-based questions would be asked from

Quantitative Techniques,


Current Affairs,

Deductive Reasoning and

Logical Reasoning.


So, CLAT will no more be a Speed based Exam and it will go up to be called as a Knowledge based Exam which will evaluate a candidate based upon their aptitude. Was any thought given to the ‘Quantitative Aptitude’ section, earlier? It had have the least number of questions (a score of 20) in the CLAT but now this pattern could change. The Quant section, though, must be viewed as a score booster. Days are gone for students who could qualify the exam based upon their memory.

The designated authority has cleared the point that they need a candidate who is sharp, analytical and accurate. They have strong conviction that candidates can be taught the legal sections afterwards. But they have to be logical first. This is the reason, you can expect a paradigm shift in the CLAT 2024 pattern. Questions from Legal section can be asked under the section of Deductive Reasoning. Deductive reasoning is extremely important for the legal profession. Cases are decided upon the deductions drawn from facts and circumstances.

For example: In criminal law, it isn’t a common practice to find the accused present at the crime scene and being caught red-handed by the authorities every single time. In most cases, the forensic experts have to be called in to recreate the scene of the crime on the basis of circumstantial evidence. This is all a part of the investigation, based on which, a charge sheet is filed. Consequently, these questions would be based upon Common Legal acumen which is expected from a common civilian.

Also, with the increase in the marks of reasoning, we can expect a few surprises in the type of questions. It is therefore strongly advised that CLAT aspirants refer LSAT & GMAT reasoning papers for practice.

If I talk particularly about CLAT, there is a section of English and it carries approximately one-fifth of the overall weightage. In this section, proficiency in English is tested on the basis of questions related to comprehension passages and grammar. In the comprehension section, candidates are evaluated on the basis of their understanding of the passage, the central theme, meanings of words used in the passage etc. The grammar section requires correction of incorrect grammatical sentences, filling of blanks in sentences with appropriate words, etc.

All the aspirants who are preparing for CLAT know how important it is for a student to be aware about each and every detail of – News, Awards & Honors, Persons in News, Sports & Games, International, Places in the News, Science & Technology, Governance & Politics, Environment & Biodiversity, Constitution & Law, Defense & Security, States, Art & Culture, Business, Economy & Banking, Government Schemes & Projects, Reports & Indices, Events & Observances etc.; as all these topics are part of current affairs and newspaper is a prominent source of it. It is a section that can’t be neglected at all.

In this digital society, the demand for Online Newspapers or E-Newspapers has been increasing for the past few years with the growing reach of the internet by offering the latest breaking news with a minute update. It’s accessible to everyone & everywhere and its eco-friendly in nature.

The HINDU, English-language daily newspaper published in Chennai (Madras), generally regarded as one of India’s most influential dailies. The online editions of THE HINDU Newspapers available on the web and SUCCESS MANTRA (GTB Nagar) make it reachable to all. SUCCESS MANTRA (GTB Nagar) daily upload E-Newspaper on its blog and makes reading E-Newspaper easy, congenial and productive. So, you can go handy with your newspaper simply by clicking below mentioned link:

With future looming on the horizon in the upcoming months, these months can be crucial in boosting your preparedness, mindset and confidence – each of these key towards cracking the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) in May. Now, it’s that time of the year when the plot thickens for a Class XII student. Let’s frame your future by preparing w.r.t. the modified pattern of CLAT.


CLAT Preparatory Classes at Success Mantra

The CLAT classes is a comprehensive CLAT-focused classroom program that ensures maximum coverage of the CLAT syllabus in about 180-200 hours of classroom teaching – so that you ahead of the competition. In these classes, you will go beyond the basics, to know and learn advanced concepts, which will aid you in developing the knowledge base as well as the acumen to solve multiple choice questions (MCQs) of CLAT standard.


Why Success Mantra CLAT Preparatory Classes?

  • Because we know that for some, clearing the CLAT is the only goal.
  • Because people who are good at academic answer writing are generally poor at solving MCQs.
  • Because we know that our own students – Sumit, Yuvraj & Yashendra – all CLAT Rankers. Became students of top NLUs once they were able to clear the CLAT, converting their first Law Entrance into a success story.

CLAT preparatory classes commence from upcoming month with an early bird fee of Rs. 40,000. Walk into CLAT offline guidance center at GTB Nagar or visit to know more.

Why Success Mantra?

At Success Mantra, we have continuously innovated to close the gap between aspirants and a good preparation. We offers edge-to-edge knowledge to crack the annual examination of the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). Our classroom program courses focus on long-term benefits along with time management and accuracy to score good in CLAT | AILET. We started the CLAT guidance program in 2010, where we produce 6 NLUs admission, which helped Success Mantra to establish its brand, in the very first year. Since then, the result is tremendous year-by-year. We have the best success rate across industry. The result ratio is as good as 3 : 5 i.e. 3 students out of 5 get qualified if they are the classroom program student of this coaching.

Every year hundreds of students of our classroom program initiate their career in law domain and live their dream. Keeping in mind the updated CLAT pattern and previous pattern, the CLAT preparatory classes will ensure that enrolled candidate have a robust preparation and the much needed conceptual clarity & competitive edge to clear CLAT2020.

Grab the career opportunities by preparing for 2024 law entrance exams and frame your future.

Success Mantra Offline Guidance Center