MCQ based Questions SMMCQ043
Q1. Which of the following was the court language during the reign of Akbar?
(a) Hindi
(b) Urdu
(c) Persian
(d) Arabic
Q2. Which Philosophical system was founded by Vallabhacharya?
(a) Maharashtra Dharma
(b) Shuddhadvaita
(c) Anekantavada
(d) Visistadvaita
Q3. Who built the Ibadatkhana at Fatehpur Sikri?
(a) Akbar
(b) Jahangir
(c) Shahjahan
(d) Auranangzeb
Q4. Mohammad Ghori was first defeated by which of the following rulers?
(a) Prithviraja Chauhan
(b) Jayachandra
(c) Vidyadhara Chandella
(d) Bhima II
Q5. The Mahzarnama was promulgated by Emperor Akbar in_______?
(a) 1560 A.D.
(b) 1572 A.D.
(c) 1576 A.D.
(d) 1579 A.D
Q6. Who among the following was not included in the “Asta Pradhan” of Shivaji ?
(a) Sumant
(b) Majmudar
(c) Vakiyanavis
(d) Vakeel
Q7. At which place was Akbar born?
(a) Delhi
(b) Agra
(c) Amarkot
(d) Kannauj
Q8. 'Humayun nama' was written by ?
(a) Gulbadan Begun
(b) Akbar
(c) Humayun
(d) Abul fjal
Q9. Which among the following Hindu Painters was sent by Jahangir to portrait Shah Abbas-I of Persia ?
(a) Basawan
(b) Bishan Das
(c) Dasrath
(d) Manohar
Q10. Who propounded the Saptanga Theory?
(a) Manu
(b) Charaka
(c) Kautilya
(d) Tulsidas
S1. Ans.(c)
S2. Ans.(b)
S3. Ans.(a)
S4. Ans.(d)
S5. Ans.(d)
S6. Ans.(d)
S7. Ans.(c)
S8. Ans.(a)
S9. Ans.(b)
S10. Ans.(c)