Passage based Questions on English Language SMENQ024
Directions: Read the following passage to answer the given questions based on it. Some words/phrases are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
By February of last year, Victoria Reiter, 63, figured she had only a few months to live. A writer and translator living in Manhattan, she was suffering from chronic myeloid leukemia, an especially deadly form of blood cancer. The only treatment available was interferon, an immune-system booster that wasn’t really working and that made her violently ill. Reiter had spent most of 1999 in bed, too such to read, to walk, to do much of anything—although she had managed to put together lists dividing her possessions between her two daughters.
Then she went on an experimental drug called Gleevec, and within weeks everything changed. “All my energy started coming back,” she says. “Suddenly I could read. I could take a walk.” By August, tests showed her bone marrow was clear of leukemia cells; in December, she took up the Argentine tango. She still has the lists of what her daughters will get, but, she exults. “They’re not going to get it yet!”
For Bob Ferber, a Los Angeles prosecutor specializing in animal-abuse cases, the Gleevec experience was very much the same. Less than two years ago, he was lying in a hospital room considering suicide to escape the pain radiating from his bones. “From crawling across the floor on my knees to go to the bathroom, I’m now back at work,” says Ferber, 48. “I go to the gym. I’m volunteering for an animal-rescue group. It’s the dream of any cancer patient in the world to be able to take a pill that works like this. It’s truly a miracle.”
That’s a tempting way to look at it, anyhow. Gleevec is so effective that the US Food and Drug Administration approved it in record time two weeks ago—even as researchers announced that it also works against a rare form of stomach cancer. The drug doesn’t help everyone, and it can have side-effects, including nausea, muscle cramps and skin rash. Moreover, nobody is claiming that it actually cures cancer. Patients may have to continue taking the drug, probably for the rest of their lives, and unless Gleevec is used in combination with some other drugs, it is likely their cancer will come back.
Despite all these caveats, Gleevec is still a breakthrough—not only for what it does but, more important, for the revolutionary strategy it represents. A full 50 years have passed since the leaders of developed countries declared war on cancer and called for a national commitment comparable to the effort to land on the moon or split the atom. But over decades, researchers have come up with one potential miracle cure after another—only to suffer one disappointment after another. Aside from surgery, which almost invariably leaves behind some malignant cells, the standard treatment for most cancers continues to be radiation and chemotherapy—relatively crude disease-fighting weapons that have limited effectiveness and leave patients weak and nauseated.
Along the way, though, scientists have amassed a wealth of information about how cancer works at the molecular level, from its first awakening in the aberrant DNA of a single cell’s nucleus to its rapacious, all-out assault on the body. Armed with that information, they have been developing a broad array of weapons to attack the disease every step along the way. Many of these therapies are just beginning to reach clinical trails and won’t be available to save lives for years to come. If you have cancer today, these treatments are likely to come too late to help you. But, says Dr. Larry Norton, a medical director at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center inn New York City : “I think there is no question that the war on cancer is winnable.”
The sentiment was pounded home last week at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in San Francisco, where a record 26,000 cancer specialists from around the world briefed each other on the good news starting to pour out of their laboratories. Unlike chemo and radiation, which use carpetbombing tactics that destroy cancer cells and healthy cells alike, these new medicines are like a troop of snipers, firing on cancer cells alone and targeting their weakest links.
Q1. Victoria Reiter came to know her days were numbered because of
1. the immune system booster.
2. chronic myeloid leukemia.
3. failure of interferon.
A. All the three
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 2 and 3 only
D. 1 and 3 only
Q2. Victoria Reiter had decided to
1. Divide her property between her two daughters owing to her chronic illness.
2. Postpone her plan of dividing her possessions between her two daughters as she had started recovering.
3. Undergo a treatment with an experimental drug called Gleevec when the interferon treatment was found to be futile.
A. All the three above
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 2 and 3 only
D. None of these.
Q3. What was the impact of Gleevec on the health of Victoria Reiter?
A. Her bone marrow was full of clear cells of leukemia.
B. She started suffering from Argentine tango.
C. She regained her lost speech and could read aloud.
D. Her health showed clear symptoms of recovery.
Q4. The author has given the example of Bob Ferber in order to
A. convince the readers of the ill-effects of suicide thoughts.
B. impress upon the readers the adverse impacts of animal abuse.
C. emphasis how painful it is to suffer from cancer.
D. None of these.
Q5. What, according to Ferber, does a cancer patient look forward to?
A. To dream of recovery from cancer without any pill
B. To get a drug that would relieve agony of cancer
C. To take a pill that would help eradicate pain while crawling on the knees
D. To volunteer for a animal rescue group
1. C
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. B