Passage based Questions on Legal Aptitude SMLAQ038
1. What is the meaning of the Latin Maxim / Legal Word / Legal Term ‘Impotentia excusat legem”?
A. Impossibility in Law is excluded.
B. Impossibility is an excuse in law.
C. Impossible Excuses are an exception in law.
D. Impossible excuses are not legally approved.
2. What is the meaning of the Legal Maxim / Legal Word / Legal Term “In pari causa possessor potior haberi debet.”?
A. In an equal cause, the possessor has the advantage.
B. In an equal cause, the possessor does not have an advantage.
C. In parity issues, debit parties are at a loss.
D. In parity issues possessor is the one who has the benefit of contracts.
3. What is the meaning of the Legal Maxim / Legal Word / Legal Term “In pari delicto, potior est condition possi deutis”?
A. In equal laws, condition of possessor is better.
B. In equal fault, condition of possessor is better.
C. In equal environment , condition of Patent holder is better.
D. In Parliament, the position of a good orator is better.
4. What is the meaning of the Legal Maxim / Legal Word / Legal Term “Champerty”?
A. Getting share in a property
B. Chivalrous attitude to women
C. Getting share in a legally disputed property
D. Respectful attitude towards women and elders which enables early parole from jail.
5. What is the meaning of the Legal Maxim / Legal Word / Legal Term “Denatio mortis causa”?
A. Gift of property before birth of a child.
B. Gift of property made by a person after his death.
C. Gift of property by a person expecting to die.
D. Gift of mortal persons.
6. What is the meaning of the Legal Maxim / Legal Word / Legal Term “Estoppel”?
A. Estate of a person
B. Forcing to stop
C. On the top of estate
D. None of the above
7. What is the meaning of the Legal Maxim / Legal Word / Legal Term “Nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto”?
A. May no one be punished twice for the same offense.
B. May one is punished for his offences.
C. Nothing escapes the eyes of law and punishment must be given.
D. Law are unequal in different parts of country on basis of dialect.
Correct answers
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. A