1. Which is the first state first to breed endangered Hargila?
a. Assam
b. Madhya Pradesh
c. Andhra Pradesh
d. Arunachal Pradesh
• The Assam State Zoo and wildlife NGO Aaranyak has jointly bred a pair of Greater Adjutant (Hargila) chicks in an artificial platform within the zoo enclosure.
• Hargila is found in a few isolated pockets in Assam and Bihar in India and PrekToal in Cambodia.
• It is an endangered animal according to IUCN.
• It is listed under schedule IV of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
2. Which is the first state to shortlist migrants for citizenship?
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Madhya Pradesh
c. Andhra Pradesh
d. Kerala
• Uttar Pradesh is the first state in the country to start the exercise of shortlisting migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, eligible for citizenship under the new Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).
• The exercise will also identify those who are living illegally in the state.
• All 75 district magistrates have been asked to track down migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan who have settled here for decades, without citizenship.
• The purpose of compilation of the list is to ensure the state government could intervene and ensure that 'genuine migrants' become citizens of the country.
• This is the first time such a list is being prepared. Citizenship will be granted according to the new CAA provisions.
3. Where will be the Human Space Flight Centre of ISRO situated?
a. Ballalri
b. Challakere
c. Gokak
d. Ganagavathi
• On January 6, 2020, the ISRO proposed 2,700 crores of infrastructure plan to construct Human Space Flight Infrastructure Centre.
• The facility will be set up at Challakere, Chitradurga district of Karnataka and is expected to become operational in three years.
• This pace is about 200 km from Bengaluru. Challakere is also known as Science City where various other scientific establishments are already working.
• At present, the Human Spaceflight Program is being carried out in various centers like U.R. Rao Satellite Centre in Bengaluru and Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in Thiruvananthapuram.
• However, the Institute of Aerospace Medicine of the Air Force (IAMAF) is working for astronauts' selection and training.
4. Which of the following years would/was be observed as the Year of Mobility by CISF?
a. 2021
b. 2022
c. 2020
d. 2019
• The CISF will observe 2020 as the 'year of mobility' that will have a special focus on creation of more residential units and implementation of various welfare measures for the troops.
• It will emphasise on taking all measures for welfare of troops and their families, creating infrastructure and logistics like housing, acquiring new land and procuring modern equipment, training with focus on physical fitness and sports and leveraging modern gadgetry and technology on duty.
• The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) is mandated as the primary civil airports guarding force of the country apart from protecting some vital installations in the aerospace, nuclear, government and private domain.
• CISF Director General-Rajesh Ranjan
5. Which of the following states registered highest IPD care in the country?
a. Jammu and Kashmir
b. Punjab
c. Haryana
d. Andhra Pradesh
• Jammu and Kashmir has registered the highest Inpatient Department, IPD care in the country. According to the report released by the National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC), New Delhi.
• As per the report, the 96% IPD care in rural areas of J&K is provided by Public Health Facilities. This facility is highest against the country’s average of 85%.
• In 2016, Jammu and Kashmir had surpassed Kerala as the state with the highest life expectancy in India for all ages, barring life expectancy at birth.