Quiz And Explanation SMQUIZ079
1. Indian Railways has started to provide 10000 water bottles per day to which of the following state’s police?
a. Andhra Pradesh
b. Punjab
c. Maharashtra
d. Delhi
• Indian Railways, the country's largest transporter along with IRCTC and others has started to provide 10000 water bottles per day to the personnel of Delhi Police . This comes at a time when the entire country is under lockdown till 3 May.
• The water bottles are being provided by the catering arm of railways, Indian Rail Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), and it has distributed 10,000 Rail Neer water bottles per day since April 16 from its Nangloi plant in Delhi. These 10000 Railneer water bottles are of one litre each.
• Till now 50000 water bottles have been distributed. With the onset of summer in the national capital these police men have worked round the clock to not only ensure that lock down is implemented as required but also accompany the doctors and paramedics in various locations in challenging circumstances.
2. BRO has built 484-meter permanent bridge connecting Kasowal enclave with the rest of country. The bridge is situated in which state?
a. Punjab
b. Haryana
c. Andhra Pradesh
d. Madhya Pradesh
• Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has constructed and opened a new permanent bridge on the river Ravi connecting Kasowal enclave in Punjab to the rest of the country much ahead of its schedule.
• The enclave of around 35 square kilometres had hither to been connected via pontoon bridge of limited load capacity.
• The pontoon bridge used to be dismantled every year prior to the Monsoon or else it would have got washed away in the strong currents of the river. This meant thousands of acres of fertile land across the river could not be tilled by farmers during the Monsoon.
• The local population and the Army (by virtue of the sensitivity of the enclave) required a Class 70 permanent bridge to give all weather connectivity to the enclave. Border Roads Organisation conceived and planned for a permanent bridge.
• The 484-meter bridge was built by 141 Drain Maintenance Coy of 49 Border Roads Task Force (BRTF) of Project Chetak. The bridge costing Rs 17.89 crore excluding the approaches, consist of 16 cells of 30.25-metre length each.
• Border Roads Organisation had planned to open the Kasowal bridge in time for Vaisakhi so that the farmers could transport their harvest to the market comfortably.
• The 16th and last Cell Division was completed on the March 15, 2020 and construction of protective works was under progress when the work came to a halt on March 23 due to the COVID-19 lockdown.
• To ensure locals do not suffer during the harvest season and also to ensure the bridge does not get damaged because of the heavy discharge of water and the tendency of the river to change course in the monsoons, Border Roads approached Punjab government and Gurdaspur district administration and obtained necessary approvals to continue the work.
3. When was the theme of the World Immunization Week 2020?
a. VaccinesWork for All
b. Work together
c. We are together
d. We are with you
• World Immunization Week – celebrated in the last week of April (24 to 30 April) – aims to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease.
• The theme this year is #VaccinesWork for All and the campaign will focus on how vaccines – and the people who develop, deliver and receive them – are heroes by working to protect the health of everyone, everywhere.
• The main goal of the campaign is to urge greater engagement around immunization globally and the importance of vaccination in improving health and wellbeing of everyone, everywhere throughout life.
4. When is the English Language day observed?
a. 20 April
b. 21 April
c. 23 April
d. 22 April
• English Language Day, Spanish Language Day, and World Book Day-23 April
• The Day is celebrated as English Language Day to observe both birth and death anniversary of William Shakespeare.
• The day is an initiative by the Department of Global Communications. Language Days are observed for each of the six official languages of the UN. The six official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, English, Chinese, Spanish and Russian. The Spanish Language Day was established by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
• World Book Day, also known as World Book and Copyright Day, or International Day of the Book, is an annual event organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to promote reading, publishing, and copyright.
• The first World Book Day was celebrated on 23 April in 1995, and continues to be recognized on that day.
5. When is the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace observed?
a. 24 April
b. 21 April
c. 23 April
d. 22 April
• The International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace was established on 12 December, 2018 and and was first observed on April 24, 2019.
• Preserving the values of multilateralism and international cooperation, which underpin the UN Charter and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, is fundamental to promote and support the three pillars of the UN - peace and security, development and human rights.
• The International Day is a reaffirmation of the UN Charter and its principles of resolving disputes among countries through peaceful means. It acknowledges the use of multilateral decision-making and diplomacy in achieving peaceful resolutions to conflicts among nations.