Quiz And Explanation SMQUIZ143
1. Which Indian state announced Mukhyamantri Matru Pushti Uphaar?
a. Andhra Pradesh
b. Tripura
c. Himachal Pradesh
d. Madhya Pradesh
• In an effort to combat infant and maternal mortality and malnutrition, Tripura announced Mukhyamantri Matru Pushti Uphaar, an ambitious scheme to provide nutrition kits to pregnant and lactating women.
• Pregnant women would be tested four times in nearby Primary Health Centers (PHC), and be given a nutrition kit after each test as per the Matru Pushti Uphaar scheme.
• The kit, costing Rs500, would have food items and grocery supplies, such as peanuts, soyabeans, mixed pulses, jaggery and ghee.
• It will be in addition to the Pradhan Mantri Matru Bandana Yojana.
2. Which of the following is the first Indian Company to be valued at USD 150 Billion?
a. Reliance Industries Limited (RIL)
b. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
c. Adani Group
d. Piramal group
• Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) on 19th June 2020 was valued at USD 150 billion following a rise in the share market.
• It is the first-ever Indian company to achieve a market value of above Rs 11 lakh crore.
• Reliance Industries is among the most valued energy companies in the world.
3. Beidou system is the navigation system of which country?
a. China
b. Russia
c. France
d. Germany
• China launched the final satellite in its Beidou constellation that emulates and may seek to compete with the U.S. Global Positioning System, marking a further step in the country's advance as a major space power.
• The new satellite will complete the Beidou navigation and positioning system, consisting of 27 satellites in medium Earth orbit, five in geostationary orbit and three more in inclined geosynchronous orbits.
• The first Beidou satellite was launched in 2000 for testing and domestic services.
• The third generation Beidou satellites are designed to provide positioning, navigation and timing services globally. It joins the U.S. GPS, Russia’s GLONASS and the European Galileo systems in providing global PNT coverage.
4. Kushinagar Airport declared as an 'International Airport’. Where is Kushinagar airport situated?
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Andhra Pradesh
c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Karnataka
• In a bid to boost domestic and international tourism, the Union Cabinet approved the proposal to declare the Kushinagar airport in Uttar Pradesh as an international airport.
• Kushinagar is located in the north-eastern part of Uttar Pradesh about 50 km east of Gorakhpur and is one of the important Buddhist pilgrimage sites.
• It in the vicinity of several Buddhist Cultural Sites like Sravasti, Kapilvastu, Lumbini (Kushinagar itself is a Buddhist cultural site) and declaration as an “International Airport” will offer improved connectivity, wider choice of competitive costs to the air-travellers.
• It will result in boosting of domestic/international tourism and economic development of the regions.
5. Where are the Devika and Puneja bridges situated?
a. Jammu and Kashmir
b. Maharashtra
c. Maharashtra
d. Madhya Pradesh
• Union Minister Jitendra Singh has inaugurated two bridges Devika and Puneja at Udhampur and Doda districts respectively
in Jammu and Kashmir. Both the bridges were completed by Border Roads Organisation (BRO).
• The Devika Bridge is 10 m long, was completed in 15 months and constructed to resolve the traffic issues of the region and this will also help in smooth passage of army convoys and vehicles.
• The Puneja Bridge is 50 m long, was completed in 36 months. It will provide a vital alternate link to the Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban districts beside Kashmir valley from Pathankot (Punjab) without entering Jammu and Udhampur via Lakhanpur.
• Doda is the only district in the country where not one but three big tunnels are being built.