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Diksha Sharma 15 MINUTES


Every budding lawyer dreams of the day when he will pass out of law school and enter the real world. Some dream of a job at a law firm, some want to start their own practice, some see themselves as budding entrepreneurs. There will be a few who will be contemplating judicial services or higher studies as the option. Whatsoever may be the dream, the final goal is to be successful in life and make a mark in the field. Let’s look at the available options that one can pursue after studying law as a subject.



A law graduate is eligible to work as a legal practitioner and adviser to different individuals and organizations. The person can be a corporate, civil or criminal lawyer. Intellectual property is one field where a lawyer can contribute in the cases dealing with patents, trademarks and copyright issues. With the rise in cyber crime such as cyber-bullying has become one field where legal intervention is required. One can join a senior advocate and work under his expertise to understand the nuances of the profession. This will help the young and fresh advocates to learn through experience of seniors. There are many government organizations that have vacancy for the graduates to work as law officer or legal counselor. Most of them fill the vacancy through an entrance or interview. One can apply to get a secured government job. The Indian forces also offer jobs to lawyers as commissioned officers to conduct enquiries and court martials.



These are one of the most sought after examinations in the country as these help the person to gain an entry into the highly coveted Indian Judiciary system. A person is required to give exams conducted by the designated government agencies in the predefined three-tier pattern. There is a preliminary examination, mains examination and viva voice. After clearing the examination, an individual can join as a munsif, magistrate, district judge, or sessions’ judge. Munsif handles the civil cases whereas magistrate looks into the criminal cases. There are entrance examinations for higher level judiciary which a practicing advocate can give only after practicing for a certain number of years.



A law graduate is eligible to teach students in colleges, universities and coaching institutes. The students may be studying law or preparing for the different law entrance examinations. These entrance examinations cater to undergraduate-CLAT, AILET, SAT, L-SAT etc., graduate-DU-LLB, BHU etc. or judicial/civil services. This offers a handsome remuneration on an hourly or daily basis, when working on a part time module. There are many people who take up part time teaching to law students as a viable career option, along with working as a research assistant or pursuing LLM or PhD in different universities. Teaching helps the lawyer to brush up their knowledge and stay updated with the latest developments happening in the field.



Journalism is one field that a lawyer can actively pursue the individual wants to. A lawyer already has the two most important traits required by journalists- Researching and drafting. This is something on which the lawyers have gained hands on knowledge as these two form the grounds of legal education. Besides lawyers have great analytical skills, which are another pre-requisite in order to establish a name in the field of journalism. Initially, the person may begin the career as a reporter or writer but eventually he or she will be promoted to the position of associate editor, sub-editor and editor etc.



As a policy analyst, the lawyer is expected to participate in policy making and governance related issues. The person must be updated with the latest laws and the amendments to previously passes laws in the country. A policy analyst must have a vast knowledge base spanning across different segments. A public policy analyst mostly finds a job with different think tanks, Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) etc. The Policy advocacy firms also provide recruitments to policy analysts as they render their services to corporate and governments as per the requirement.



Many corporate firms from the foreign countries transfer their legal work to India as it will be done in much cheaper rates in comparison to the money spent in their own country. It is also known as Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO).



With the changing times, there are many who are leaving behind the conventional career options of practicing in a law firm or working as a lawyer in the courts. They are on a hunt for something that is more challenging and opting for such options. Lawyers can use their analytical skills to study the gaps and come up with new business ideas to plug these gaps. Their thorough understanding of the legal processes involved behind the formation and working of a company provides them an edge over the others present in the market. There are a number of famous personalities, such as Ardeshir Godrej-founder of Godrej, who are lawyers by education and went on to became a successful businessmen in future.



Content has become the king of market. There are a large number of law websites that require regular law-oriented articles and content from the experts in the field. This has opened another avenue for the legal professionals in India.


These are some of the conventional and contemporary options available for law graduates in the country. There is a mushrooming of law schools across the country that has led to increase in the number of lawyers in the country. With the increase in the law graduates, the competition is also on a rise. In order to stand the wave of this competition, one needs to be the best in their field. While you are in the law school, your focus should be on understanding and grasping the subject. Law as a profession expects an individual to be articulate and have excellent communication and analytical skills. A good lawyer is expected to have these three. Each of the above mentioned options require dedication, persistence and will-power to make the best use of the knowledge.

A degree from a good law college can provide you a backing or provide an easy entry into the cut throat competition. However, what one needs to understand is that nothing can substitute for hard work. You may choose the best option out of all the above and be lacking in your passion to pursue it to its best, then it is totally useless. So, make sure that whichever field you opt for, you put your best foot forward in it.