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NLSIU Increases Intake to 300 Seats for 2024-25

NLSIU Increases Intake to 300 Seats for 2024-25

Deepanker Singhal 5 Minutes

NLSIU Increases Intake to 300 Seats for 2024-25

The National Law School India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru, has augmented the number of seats available for the B.A.LL.B (Hons) undergraduate program for th

e academic year 2024-25. This expansion is part of their Inclusion

 and Expansion Plan, which was first introduced in 2021. Specifically, the seat intake for this program will be increased from 240 to 300. This comes after prior increments in the seat capacity, from 80 to 120 during the academic year 2020-21, then from 120 to 180 for the academic year 2022-23, and then from 180 to 240 for the academic year 2022-23, all under the same expansion initiative.

In a similar vein, NLSIU intends to increase the intake for the LL.M postgraduate program from 100 to 120 students in the academic year 2024-25. This mirrors their previous expansion efforts, where the intake was raised from 50 to 75 students during the academic year 2022-23 and then from 75 to 100 students for the academic year 2023-24 as part of the NLSIU Inclusion and Expansion Plan. The overarching goal of this plan is to achieve a projected enrollment of over 2,200 students in their on-campus programs by the academic year 2028-29.

In terms of seat allocation, for the five-year integrated B.A.LL.B program, there are specific reservations in place. This includes 15 percent of seats (equivalent to 45 seats) earmarked for Scheduled Caste candidates, 7.5 percent (or 23 seats) for the Scheduled Tribe, 27 percent (comprising 81 seats) for Other Backward Classes (OBCs), and 10 percent (totaling 30 seats) for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category. Additionally, 5 percent of the total intake, amounting to 15 seats, will be reserved horizontally for Persons with Disabilities (PWD), 30 percent of total intake, amounting to 90 seats, will be reserved horizontally for women and 25 percent of the total intake, amounting to 75 seats, will be reserved horizontally for students from Karnataka.

Regarding the one-year LL.M degree program, seat reservations are also in effect. This entails 18 seats reserved for Scheduled Caste students, 9 seats for Scheduled Tribe candidates, 33 seats for OBCs, and 12 seats designated for EWS candidates. Furthermore, 5 percent of the total intake, which constitutes 6 seats, is reserved for Persons with Disabilities (PWD), 30 percent of the total intake, which constitutes 36 seats, is reserved for women and 25 percent of the total intake, which constitutes 30 seats, is reserved for Karnataka students.

In other recent developments, the University has introduced an enhanced legal writing program, which includes a dissertation component. This program is being offered as an elective choice for students in their final year of the B.A.LL.B (Hons) course. Simultaneously, the University is actively working on revamping the curriculum of this program to enhance its interdisciplinary nature, offering students the option to select Major and Minor specializations.

It is noteworthy that admissions to both the B.A.LL.B and LL.M programs are facilitated through the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT), a national-level law entrance exam. The CLAT 2024 examination, organized by the Consortium of National Law Universities, will take place on December 3rd in an offline mode. This examination will be conducted at 127 test centers spanning 23 states and two Union Territories.


Established in 1986, the National Law School of India University (NLSIU) was founded with the primary aim of pioneering reform in legal education and serving as a catalyst for the transformation of the Indian legal system through research and policy initiatives. NLSIU is firmly committed to fostering an environment conducive to upholding fundamental constitutional values, particularly those pertaining to freedom, equality, and social justice.

The University's foundation is built upon a distinctive collaboration involving legal scholars, the legal profession (represented by the Bar and the Bench), and the State Government of Karnataka. This formidable partnership has consistently positioned the University as the unquestioned leader in the field of legal education in India over the past three decades.

This preeminent status is further substantiated by its consistent top-ranking performance in various assessments. NLSIU has attained the coveted No. 1 position in every significant ranking study conducted, including the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) rankings by the Ministry of Education, where it has been ranked as the country's premier law school for six consecutive years. These rankings mirror the University's overarching commitment to excellence, which extends across a multitude of criteria covering diverse facets of its operations.