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Republic Day

Republic Day

Diksha Sharma 5 MINUTES

Republic Meaning

  • The word republic is derived from the Latin phrase- RES PUBLICA meaning ‘public affair’ which is the root of the word republic.
  • Earliest form of democratic government was seen in the Roman Republic; however, which cannot be equated with the modern sense of the term.
  • Plato’s work The Republic is a pioneer work on philosophy, political theory concerning justice, the order and character of the just city-state, and the just man.
  • India too in a very vague sense witnessed some form of democratic rule during the post-Vedic period with several Mahajanapadas following republican form of government such as Kamboja, Kuru, and Malla etc.

Road to republic

  • It started with the conceptualisation of the dream in 1930 to its actual realization in 1950.
  • The seeds of a republican nation were sowed at the Lahore session of the Indian National Congress at the midnight of 31st December 1929.
  • The session was headed by J.L. Nehru where it was decided that January 26, 1930 would be observed as the Purna Swaraj (complete Independence) Day.
  • After much deliberation between the Indian leaders and members of the British Cabinet Mission, the Constituent Assembly was constituted which met for the first time on December 9, 1946.
  • The Objective of the Assembly was to give India a long lasting constitution which would give institutional expression to the fundamental commitments of equality, liberty, democracy, sovereignty and a cosmopolitan identity to its citizens.

Importance of Republic Day

  • Although India became a free nation on August 15, 1947, it enjoyed the true spirit of Independence on January 26, 1950 when the Constitution of India finally came into force giving India its political freedom.
  • On this day India shed the last relic of the colonial system and effected a new dawn by becoming a Sovereign Democratic Republic.
  • The day is an occasion to commemorate the values of our democracy and Republic, to reaffirm our commitment to liberty, fraternity and equality across our society and among all our citizens.
  • The day celebrates the desire of a huge nation that wants to be governed through one single constitution giving another example of India’s unity in diversity.