Road Accidents
Road Accidents
Globally, over 3500 people die everyday on the roads, which amounts to nearly 1.3 million preventable deaths and an estimated 50 million injuries each year – making it the leading killer of children and young people worldwide. Recognizing the enormity of the problem and the need to act, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in September 2020, proclaiming the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, with the ambitious target of preventing at least 50% of road traffic deaths and injuries by 2030. This year marks the beginning of the Second Decade for Action for Road Safety. The Global Plan on Improving Road Safety was launched by the United Nations last month, calling on countries to deliver on the resolution’s target by making roads safer in the coming years, saving lives, and preventing serious injuries.
Causes of Road Accidents:
- Many road accidents are the result of faulty road-design, especially a single-lane one with a sharp curve.
- Infrastructural deficits: Pathetic conditions of roads and vehicles, poor visibility and poor road design and engineering – including quality of material and construction.
- Negligence and risks: Over speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, tiredness or riding without a helmet, driving without seatbelts.
- Distraction while driving like talking over mobile phones while driving has become a major cause of road accidents.
- Weak Vehicle Safety Standards in India: In 2014, crash tests carried out by the Global New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) revealed that some of India’s top-selling car models have failed the UN’s frontal impact crash test.
- Lack of awareness among people regarding the importance of safety features like airbags, Anti-lock Braking system etc. Moreover, Vehicle manufacturers do not provide them as standard fitment but only in higher class of vehicles reducing their reach.
Measures needed:
- Implementation of legislation: The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act of 2019 has provisions that aim to bring about change.
- Behavioural Changes: Increasing motorcycle helmet use, increasing seat-belt uses and increasing child restraint use. Awareness regarding the influence of alcohol on driving.
- Safe Roads: Safety consideration during the planning, design, and operation of roads, can contribute to reducing road traffic deaths and injuries.
- Vehicular Safety Standards: Vehicle safety features such as electronic stability control, effective Car Crash Standards and advanced braking should be made mandatory.
- Awareness and Publicity: Mass media and social media should be used effectively for spreading awareness about road safety.
- Training and capacity building: Training courses and training workshops have been organized for building capacity in road safety audits and road safety engineering.
A Motor Vehicle Accident Fund is proposed to be created. It will provide compulsory insurance cover to all road users in India for certain types of accidents.
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