The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism.
The day highlights three key topics:
- Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media.
- Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies.
- To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good.
The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was "Journalism without Fear or Favour". A global campaign was launched by UNESCO on media and social media channels focussing on Journalism without Fear or Favour. On 4 -6 May 2020, various events including High-level Dialogue on Press Freedom and Tackling Disinformation in the COVID-19 context, webinars, and online discussions through Facebook Live, Youtube, and Microsoft teams, amongst other digital platforms will be held. On the site of UNESCO, debates are available.
Sub-themes of the year 2020 are as follows:
- Safety of Women and Men Journalists and Media Workers.
- Independent and Professional Journalism free from Political and Commercial Influence.
- Gender Equality in all aspects of the Media.
The day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO’s General Conference in 1991. The day also marks the 1991 Windhoek Declaration (adopted by UNESCO). It aimed towards the ‘development of a free, independent and pluralistic press’.
World Press Conference 2021: The 2021 Global Conference was hosted by UNESCO and the Government of Namibia. It called for urgent attention to the threat of extinction faced by local news media around the world, a crisis worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic. It put forward ideas to tackle the challenges of our online media environment, push for more transparency of internet companies, strengthen safety of journalists, and improve their working conditions.
Freedom of press is not expressly protected by Indian legal system but it is impliedly protected under article 19(1) (a) of the constitution, which states - "All citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression". In 1950, the Supreme Court in Romesh Thappar v. State of Madras observed that freedom of the press lay at the foundation of all democratic organisations.
However, Freedom of press is also not absolute. It faces certain restrictions under Article 19(2), which are as follows- Matters related to interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality or in relation to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence.
Related Rankings/Findings: India has been ranked 142nd out of 180 nations in the World Press Freedom Index, 2021, published by Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF) or Reporters Without Borders. Reports such as ‘Freedom in the World 2021 (Freedom House, US)’, ‘2020 Human Rights Report (US State Department)’, ‘Autocratisation Goes Viral (V-Dem Institute, Sweden)’ have all highlighted intimidation of journalists in India.
Several cultural events are organised to determine the significance of press freedom. Initiatives of several nations are coordinated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and most of the time it serves as an organising partner to foster the freedom of expression. UNESCO conferred awards to deserving organisations, individuals or institutions that have made commendable contributions in the promotion and defence of press freedom in any part of the world. In India, it is celebrated to salute the media journalists who risked their lives in providing information or sometimes lost their lives in the duty itself. Various Government officers, ministers take part while organising several events like art exhibitions; honour awards for the journalists who have risked their lives on duty etc. on this day in India. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the celebration goes online. World Press Freedom Conference 2020 provides an opportunity to journalists, civil society representatives, national authorities, academics etc. to discuss the emerging challenges to press freedom and journalist's safety and to work together to find out the solutions. Since 1993, the conference is organised annually. It will be from 18-20 October, 2020 in the Hague, The Netherlands.
According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. – Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We all know that in the development of any country, media plays a crucial role. It does not only aware of people what is going on around the surrounding but also about the events which affect their lives. Freedom of the Press should be taken seriously as the safety of journalists while delivering information during their duties is of utmost importance. Also, freedom of speech and expression right should be respected.
Q.1 Which of the following organizations is responsible for the observing & organising of the World Press Freedom Day all over the world?
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): ANSWER
- International Press Institute (IPI)
- None of the above
Q.2 Which of the following is the correct theme on which the World Press Freedom Day 2021 also known as World Press Day is based?
- “Information as a Public Good”: ANSWER
- Critical Minds for Critical Times: Media’s role in advancing peaceful, just and inclusive societies”.
- "Media for Democracy: Journalism and Elections in Times of Disinformation".
- Gender Equality in All Aspect of the Media
Q.3 Fundamental Rights envisaged under Article 19 of the Indian Constitution are conferred on which of the following?
- Indian citizens: ANSWER
- All persons living within Indian Territory
- Foreigners also
- All of them
Q.4 Which of the following statements regarding the nature of the rights that are guaranteed by Article 19 of the Indian Constitution is/are found to be correct?
- Article 19 of the Indian Constitution is confined to what are known as civil rights as distinguished from political rights such as the right to vote or to hold any political office, or the privileges of a chamber of the legislation.
- Article 19 of the Indian Constitution refers to what are known as natural or common law rights as distinguished from rights which are created by a statute and must be exercised subject to conditions imposed by it.
- Article 19 of the Indian Constitution does not include the right to life.
- I and II
- II and III
- I and III
Q.5 Which of the following regulations or Acts envision that press without licence was a penal offence?
- Press Act of 1835 or Metcalfe Act
- Lord Wellesley enacted Censorship of Press Act, 1799
- Licensing Regulations, 1823: ANSWER
- None of the above
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was <a href="http://www.gs781j0vw8il7s65v4f14puvs14s925xs.org/">aoorliirffi</a> [url=http://www.gs781j0vw8il7s65v4f14puvs14s925xs.org/]uoorliirffi[/url] oorliirffi http://www.gs781j0vw8il7s65v4f14puvs14s925xs.org/
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was lpvysgsoqs http://www.g032v96bsh4u4153dickke5369is8zl8s.org/ <a href="http://www.g032v96bsh4u4153dickke5369is8zl8s.org/">alpvysgsoqs</a> [url=http://www.g032v96bsh4u4153dickke5369is8zl8s.org/]ulpvysgsoqs[/url]
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was [url=http://www.g4c19yuoilr0r0x360t62m52e7u817nxs.org/]uxfzofcebzi[/url] <a href="http://www.g4c19yuoilr0r0x360t62m52e7u817nxs.org/">axfzofcebzi</a> xfzofcebzi http://www.g4c19yuoilr0r0x360t62m52e7u817nxs.org/
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was <a href="http://www.gmhl769727c1s72j46gkckjs6p87r3h3s.org/">adwftsndpn</a> [url=http://www.gmhl769727c1s72j46gkckjs6p87r3h3s.org/]udwftsndpn[/url] dwftsndpn http://www.gmhl769727c1s72j46gkckjs6p87r3h3s.org/
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was rgqnbbcmfb http://www.g5b3d396w3hmo97v39z9fxkv14705ybes.org/ [url=http://www.g5b3d396w3hmo97v39z9fxkv14705ybes.org/]urgqnbbcmfb[/url] <a href="http://www.g5b3d396w3hmo97v39z9fxkv14705ybes.org/">argqnbbcmfb</a>
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was fsmezefgpr http://www.g5479y0mzhn54huvm9u028s76p6qv49zs.org/ <a href="http://www.g5479y0mzhn54huvm9u028s76p6qv49zs.org/">afsmezefgpr</a> [url=http://www.g5479y0mzhn54huvm9u028s76p6qv49zs.org/]ufsmezefgpr[/url]
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was <a href="http://www.gx58756a4nn5r8ly2hes76cys36c198ms.org/">afnedcsderj</a> fnedcsderj http://www.gx58756a4nn5r8ly2hes76cys36c198ms.org/ [url=http://www.gx58756a4nn5r8ly2hes76cys36c198ms.org/]ufnedcsderj[/url]
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was <a href="http://www.gbs090j2u3m1y61wr32pf3c4l2697jwbs.org/">afhksvoeom</a> [url=http://www.gbs090j2u3m1y61wr32pf3c4l2697jwbs.org/]ufhksvoeom[/url] fhksvoeom http://www.gbs090j2u3m1y61wr32pf3c4l2697jwbs.org/
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was smxlvdznb http://www.g72oou31mv50cp91f2ul5m2ueh21555vs.org/ [url=http://www.g72oou31mv50cp91f2ul5m2ueh21555vs.org/]usmxlvdznb[/url] <a href="http://www.g72oou31mv50cp91f2ul5m2ueh21555vs.org/">asmxlvdznb</a>
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was <a href="http://www.gte229a2n730op06ci950x2vs5l8hrl8s.org/">agitnxxtdj</a> [url=http://www.gte229a2n730op06ci950x2vs5l8hrl8s.org/]ugitnxxtdj[/url] gitnxxtdj http://www.gte229a2n730op06ci950x2vs5l8hrl8s.org/
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was hzcnzbghy http://www.gl089u9o5c31c557yz2vq6r0nmqy2q57s.org/ <a href="http://www.gl089u9o5c31c557yz2vq6r0nmqy2q57s.org/">ahzcnzbghy</a> [url=http://www.gl089u9o5c31c557yz2vq6r0nmqy2q57s.org/]uhzcnzbghy[/url]
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was <a href="http://www.g97sm7y385941vtq8uun5xe39iz8br76s.org/">actkjtntl</a> ctkjtntl http://www.g97sm7y385941vtq8uun5xe39iz8br76s.org/ [url=http://www.g97sm7y385941vtq8uun5xe39iz8br76s.org/]uctkjtntl[/url]
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was [url=http://www.gyxlz12n5o38hbu82500qz09tma2736is.org/]uccpgvdxzf[/url] ccpgvdxzf http://www.gyxlz12n5o38hbu82500qz09tma2736is.org/ <a href="http://www.gyxlz12n5o38hbu82500qz09tma2736is.org/">accpgvdxzf</a>
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was [url=http://www.gswh2845bc906htdx7eir0e260y4w577s.org/]uietexxi[/url] ietexxi http://www.gswh2845bc906htdx7eir0e260y4w577s.org/ <a href="http://www.gswh2845bc906htdx7eir0e260y4w577s.org/">aietexxi</a>
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was <a href="http://www.gbii241335m0zyd3ljdy4uv87u158u61s.org/">aclehhmbme</a> clehhmbme http://www.gbii241335m0zyd3ljdy4uv87u158u61s.org/ [url=http://www.gbii241335m0zyd3ljdy4uv87u158u61s.org/]uclehhmbme[/url]
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was <a href="http://www.g808he0w5s7iqk8twa8b3s7356z1qk09s.org/">ajxyimjnxw</a> jxyimjnxw http://www.g808he0w5s7iqk8twa8b3s7356z1qk09s.org/ [url=http://www.g808he0w5s7iqk8twa8b3s7356z1qk09s.org/]ujxyimjnxw[/url]
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was lopnnjbzb http://www.gfq70c83l6s7llt71806m22305myfiays.org/ [url=http://www.gfq70c83l6s7llt71806m22305myfiays.org/]ulopnnjbzb[/url] <a href="http://www.gfq70c83l6s7llt71806m22305myfiays.org/">alopnnjbzb</a>
WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 3RD MAY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (WPFD): 3RD MAY The World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an annual celebration of press freedom, observed on 3rd May every year. The main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd May to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2021 is “Information as a Public Good”. The theme focuses on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and explores ways to strengthen journalism. The day highlights three key topics: Ways to ensure the economic viability of news media. Mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies. To strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will help people to recognise and value journalism as an important part of information as a public good. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020 was <a href="http://www.g279dz9z5906tp82a1523b4ys0iawpuws.org/">applvfgpngv</a> [url=http://www.g279dz9z5906tp82a1523b4ys0iawpuws.org/]upplvfgpngv[/url] pplvfgpngv http://www.g279dz9z5906tp82a1523b4ys0iawpuws.org/